Vloženo: 07.02.2013 Autor: Lucien Rozprým / Hledání partnerů v projektech

hledání partnerů pro výzvu programu Leonardo da Vinci 2013

Dear Colleagues

Perugia Municipality (Umbria Region-Italy) is seeking partners for a project to reduce the distance between young people (15 to 20 aged) and handcraft, from the current Leonardo Multilateral partnership call for proposals.


This project "YOU Craft - YOUth and Craft" aims to build up an European network in order to develop most specific projects connecting handicraft, local tradition, manual skills

The deadline for expressions of interest is the 8th February (Call deadline: Feb 21th). BUDGET: No Co-financing required.  

Partners searched

- Local public authorities and municipalities - on young education, employment, cultural and historical promotion of the local communities

- Chambers of commerce

- Twinning cities committees/ associations

- Foundation/Association for Handicraft promotion

- Local handicraftmen relevant for innovative processes

- Vocational handicaft training Centers for yougsters

- foundations for Development and recovery of city centres

Please find attached more details of the project.

All expressions of interest should be directed (please) by sending the FORM INFORMATION document to Mr Claudio CRISPOLTONI, c.crispoltoni@comune.perugia.it or politichegiovanili@comune.perugia.it:

Dott. Claudio Crispoltoni
Comune di Perugia
Staff Politiche giovanili - Informagiovani
Piazza del Melo 06122 Perugia ITALY

email: c.crispoltoni@comune.perugia.it
email2: politichegiovanili@comune.perugia.it
tel. 0039 075 577 35 49
Skype: crispo7707
web site: www.comune.perugia.it/informagiovani
Fb: Informagiovani Perugia


Thank you for disseminating this partner search among your contacts

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