Vloženo: 11.07.2019 Autor: Oldřich Vybíral / Oddělení vzdělávání

Jak mladší generaci přiblížit znalosti o Evropě a zkušenosti s ní?

Kurz uspořádá německá vzdělávací instituce „Institut für Qualitätsentwicklung an Schulen Schleswig-Holstein“ a je zaměřen na evropskou tematiku.

Nabízí se 5 stipendijních míst pro účastníce a účastníky ze zahraničí. Požadovaná úroveň NJ je C1. Kurs se bude konat 6.-8. 11. 2019 v St. Andreasbergu, deadline pro přihlášky je 30. 8. 2019.

Další informace a program kurzu naleznete v přiloženém letáku.

Pozvánka anglicky:

Dear Sir or Madam,

in November 2019, we will offer another course “Competences for Europe” which is held in Germany (in German), offering five places for teachers from other countries (travel, course fees and accommodation will be reimbursed).

The main goal of this course is to support teacher concerning an effective and efficient way to teach European issues in their classes. This does not only involve information about the EU, but also how to let younger pupils experience Europe’s values and richness, encouraging them to organise exchanges and other means of  encounter among youngsters.

In 2017, the course was financially supported by the Pestalozzi Program. Last year, we received financial support by the organisation “Austausch macht Schule”.

Meanwhile, about 25 colleagues from 19 different European countries have joined the course with great success, enjoying intercultural exchange, making friends and, in some cases, even receiving the final certificate.


The course requires a minimum level of C1 in German.

The next dates for the training course and deadline for applications:

Course:         6.-8.November, deadline:                Friday, 30st August 2019


Further information is attached.

I would be most grateful if you distributed this information among the schools and other educational institutions in your country.

I am deeply convinced that only by working together on this great topic, we will be able to ensure a successful proceeding of the ambitions project “EUROPE”.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me in case of further questions.

Yours sincerely,  


Andrea Heering


Andrea Heering

Coordinator “Compentences for Europe”

Institut für Qualitätsentwicklung an Schulen Schleswig-Holstein

Tel. + 49 -43 47 -9 02 99 55 (Homeoffice)


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