Vloženo: 11.01.2013 Autor: Lucien Rozprým / Hledání partnerů v projektech

hledání partnerů pro projekt na přenos inovací ve vzdělávání učitelů

Dear Colleagues,

I hereby have the pleasure to forward you the enclosed partnersearch from multiple VET providers from the Region of Zealand (DK).

The aim is to apply for LLP Leonardo Transfer of Innovation funding with the aim to enhance methods to train teachers. The identified need is that innovation of new teaching and learning processes requires skills, and there is a major need for educating teachers in handling this challenge. This includes ICT, web 2.0, didactic design and innovation processes. This also includes a change of habits and attitudes in teaching.

As the project will be a Leonardo ToI potential partners are invited to tell what experience they can add to the project and what kind of results they envisage.

For further information please read the attached document or contact:

Nicholas Barnes, CELF


English website: http://www.celf.dk/english/Sider/default.aspx

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