Vloženo: 20.12.2012 Autor: Lucien Rozprým / Hledání partnerů v projektech

oblast: gastronomie, určeno pro žáky s handicapem nebo s nízkou kvalifikací

Dear colleagues,


The Relais AVS in Molsheim, Alsace (France) is looking for project partners in order to submit a “Leonardo da Vinci - Multilateral Projects for Development of Innovation” project. The consortium wants to create a European-wide certificate for vocational training in gastronomy for students with low qualifications or handicap. The project will focus on the one hand work on the common points between national training certificates in gastronomy and on the other hand develop a pedagogical toolbox to support vocational training for students with low qualifications or handicap. The goal is to accompany people with low qualifications in the access of a training certificate.


Programme: Leonardo da Vinci - Multilateral Projects for Development of Innovation (http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/leonardo/leonardo_da_vinci_multilateral_projects_en.php)


Key words: vocational training – gastronomy – low qualification – handicap – training certificates


Deadline: 6 January 2012


Consortium: Relais AVS (France), AIGS (Belgium), Himmelreich cfk (Germany), Chance b (Austria)


The consortium is particularly looking for partners from Italy, partners form other countries are welcome as well.


A first meeting is foreseen for the 6-7 January 2013 in Liège, Belgium.



Relais AVS

Responsible: Mr. Pierre Hoerter

Email : Relais.avs@orange.fr

Telephone: 00 33 6 07 11 31 12


We hope you find this proposal interesting and we look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to forward this information to your colleagues and contacts.


With best regards,


Bettine Gola
Chargée de mission

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