Vloženo: 11.01.2013 Autor: Lucien Rozprým / Hledání partnerů v projektech

Dear Colleagues,

a high school from Częstochowa (Silesia, PL) is taking part in a Comenius project. They are still seeking for partners to join the consortium. General aim of the project is to study our relationship to the city, what living in a city do mean for young people, imagine the ideal city in the future.

Please circulate this proposition among schools from your regions.

Any questions or queries, do not hesitate to contact:

or project's coordinator:
Dominique Saintrond

Kind regards,

Marta Ogonowska
EU Policy Officer
Regional Office of Silesia in Brussels
3, rue du Luxembourg
1000 Brussels, Belgium
tel.: +32 2 514 77 67
mob.: +32 479 622 438
fax : +32 2 218 77 77

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